scripture journaling

Here at Palmdale UMC, we believe that God speaks to us through the words of the Bible.  Sometimes, however, it can be quite an overwhelming book to read and understand.  But it doesn't need to be!

We'd like to help you read the Bible "devotionally" (ie. listening for an insight/inspiration from God).  When you read the Bible, it's as simple as S.O.A.P.:

  • S - Scripture... write down one word, phrase, or verse that stands out to you as interesting.  It can be anything!
  • O - Observation... make an observation about what that verse says about God, life, humanity, etc.
  • A - Application... How does this apply to your life personally?  How will you be different now that you've read this?
  • P - Prayer... write a short prayer to God for what you've learned.

There are 2 READING PLANS that we're using at Palmdale UMC. 

  • The first is a short 31 Days with Jesus.  Get it here.
  • The second is a year-long reading plan with covers the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice.  Get it here.

how to get started:

Here's all that you need:

  • A Bible (any translation, though we read NRSV in worship at Palmdale UMC)...
  • A blank journal or notebook...
  • A pen/pencil...
  • A reading plan...

What's the process of Scripture Journaling?

  1. Ask God to open your heart to hear whatever it is that God wants to speak to you as you read.  
  2. Choose your scripture passage to read (see PUMC's reading plan, if need be).
  3. When you read, feel free to circle, underline, & make marks in your Bible... this will help you when you return to decide on what to journal.
  4. Using the S.O.A.P. model (see above), start journaling!
  5. Record your journal entry in the Table of Contents page you've created at the front of your journal. This will help you find journal entries easier in future weeks/months.

If you'd like a Scripture Journal Starter booklet, pick one up in the sanctuary on Sunday morning, or email the office and we'll send you one.  You can also find all of this information on the Palmdale UMC app, downloadable at the App Store or Google Play.


We'd love to have you join us on Monday or Tuesday mornings for weekly SCRIPTURE JOURNALING.  We gather online via zoom (click this link) at 8am for about 30-40 minutes.  Each person reads and journals on their own ahead of time, then we check-in together and share what we journaled.  Feel free to pop in to just listen for the first couple of times.