We believe that God calls us to live out our faith by being involved in the lives of others. That's why small groups are an integral part of life at Palmdale UMC. We have a variety of groups for all ages. We study together, pray together, laugh together, cry together, share our lives with one another, and help support each other along the way. Some of our groups include:
- Grief Share- This powerful recovery group is led by Karen and Don. Contact Karen at kspencer1@hotmail.com or Don at donedwards9@roadrunner.com for more information.
- Huddle I & II- Learning how to hear God speak to us & how God has wired us for ministry.
- LIFE GROUPS - Small groups that meet monthly for 90 min. to share what's happening in each other's lives, study the Bible together, and pray with one another.
- Exploring the Bible groups - 3 six-week studies: Intro to the Bible, Intro to the Old Testament, and Intro to the New Testament. We run these every year.
- Men's Group - The United Methodist Men gather at 8am on the 1st Saturday of every month for friendship, prayer, and participation in larger church activities.
- We have numerous other small groups that meet in people's homes around the Antelope Valley throughout the month.